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Artistic Occupation — #2


léo tavares & coletivo malimgeia


26th October - 15th December 2018

NÃO SÓ COM AS IMAGENS was a beautiful partnership between a visual artist, Leo Tavares and Malu Verdi, poet and leader of the collective Malimgeia. The connection between them was the Word – they both work with poetry. Tavares give the words new places to live inside the gallery. On the other hand, Verdi works with the sound – trying to find the perfect match in the translation not only in meaning, but also in sound.

On the second edition of the project both artists were invited to give bith to their projects inside the Alliance Française’s gallery. A partnership with the Educational Departament was develped, in order to give the students new ways of learning a language.

Besides the conception, I also sign the Visual Identity, folder design and the editing of all videos to social media.

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